Visiting Kindness Upon

Yesterday a sleigh visited our house. It was coming to pick up the gifts that a few of my elfin friends had cobbled together over the course of a couple of days. One of my fellow coalition members had asked me if I could gather some specific items and swiftly. A survivor of human trafficking had been rescued and she needed to start putting the pieces of a new life together. And she needed underwear. And Rice-a-Roni. And size 10 shoes.

I put out a fleece to see if any in my campus community could help. Within 48 hours, I had four bags brimming for my coalition member to pick up in her sleigh. People came out of the woodwork, racing to help this woman, sight unseen. Gift cards and brand new sneakers. Stylish scarves and hip jackets. The sleigh would visit the home of the FBI who would give it to the survivor.

You guys. I have had Christmas fever for a couple of weeks now. I shut my office door so that my co-workers are not scandalized by the score of my life: "NSYNC - Home for Christmas." The chagrin!

Then I turned around and realized yesterday that the season had already ushered itself into my life, doors covered in glossy gift wrap busting down snow flurries rushing into my Christmas heart like a snowglobe shaken--just like that.

A love and defense of the most innocent members of our community. All wrapped up with a bow. A beautiful and humbling gift of which I was a part this week, encouraging my heart to keep this season aglow.

