Cherry Party Pie

Since our friend Jane tantalized us shared with us her family's beloved Cherry Party Pie, reserved in their home for Christmas morning, I have been dreaming about doing cannonball jumps off the side of an Olympic sized pool filled with deep layers of this sweet tart. Jane shared the recipe with me and while I didn't make a total messipe out of it, I can't say mine was nearly as good. Lovey Loverpants went back for seconds today, so I can't resign myself as a complete pie replicating failure. I enjoyed my virgin roll-out in making my first pie crust. Thanks to Haddy for sharing her mum's fool-proof recipe. The process was time-consuming and pleasurable. I think I shall cringe anytime I see a pie being thrown haphazardly in the face of a clown, and envision the poor person who hand-rolled the crust.

I dare not share the precise details of this family formula. I can tell you that its main ingredients are: heavy cream, sour cherries, and a couple kinds of sugar. Bon apetit.

Lovely, but something's missing... sour.cherries AHA! The cherry glaze. finished.cherry.pie

Pie of the people... cherry.cream

...and maybe of the Pug. pug