College Shopping

I have finally made my decision about college. And I have decided that my cousin Mo sure-as-a-seventh-inning-stretch had better come to college in Boston. Of all my cousins, Mo is my girl. She's just original and adorable, has a true set of girl balls, and will change the world for the better, propelled by her quiet passion and her awesome sense of humor. We spent the weekend touring different colleges around the Bean, commencing with a starlight tour by car up and down the Charles River, I with my gnarly driving and my Auntie N and Cousin Mo with their tired selves keeping eagle eyes out for Cheers. Of course we got their picture with that big old finger pointing down them famed stairs. Using a camera phone. At midnight. (Cool your jets, taxi, we're just making a memory as we park in your spot for 32 seconds, gah!).

We laughed so much this weekend, mostly at ourselves, a bit at the rest of the family - departed and still gracing us with their quirks and quibbles - and then we laughed some more. At one point, Loverpants was ironing in the living room and the iron emitted a loud puff of steam and Mo said, "Oh! I thought that was my mom laughing!"

We also made it to the St. Paddy's parade - the first time I had ever made it to Southie for the big march in my 7 years of life here ::dies:: - and it was worth every huffing step up the Dorchester Heights hill carting Baby Girl (who thought she was the drum major in the parade, so wildly waving were her hands). The parade was delayed for like two inexplicable hours, but the weather was sunny and warmish, and the people-watching was rare and green.

I was so sad to drop them all off at Logan, even though they needed to leave so that I could get back to sleeping more than 5 hours and eating more than half a pan of brownies. But I've got my Paddy's fingers crossed that Cousin Mo will be joining us at this time next year, meeting at the top of the hill and introducing us to her college posse, and laughing at all of the gold legwarmer rocking, green slut sling wearing teens who think they are the parade.

