Comfort Food

It is pure cliche to cozy up in the kitchen come October and become a one-woman factory of pumpkin spiced everything consumable but here I am: an autumnal cliche! I've been whisking up heaps of goodies and it feels so good to be working the node in my noggin' that is not used for grammar or creative discipline.

Some highlights from my baking adventures: Pumpkin Creme Brulee (excellent) - I made an oreo crust on the bottom of this messipe. Pumpkin smoothie Candy Corn bark


We finally got to host a soup swap at our place and it was so lovely. Everyone brought either several quarts of soup, a few dozen cookies, or a few loaves of bread -- all homemade (FTW!). And everyone went home with somebody else's spouse! Oh...and I kid. We gathered with three other families that are also suffering raising up joyfully the small children who live with them, so we ate at the same time that nursing homes start slinging the jell-o for dinner and everyone went home with a whole mess of food for the week. It was so clutch.






Except for this guy. He was bored out of his gourd.
