Spring Break Trip 2015: Birmingham, AL

I am quick to lament that I never made the right decisions in college where spring break was concerned. I ignored the compact that every coed is under to spend at least one week of your four years on a beach being responsible with everything but one's SPF lotion. But noooo. I had to outdork myself so hard that one year I even went NORTH. North from Meadville, Pennsylvania. I spent spring break in Buffalo, the winter depression capital of the free world. Adding insult to injury, the boy with whom I was in an ill-advised relationship broke up with me on that spring break service trip to Buffalo. My colleague said the name of that story is Rebuffed in Buffalo. An accurate title indeed.

Anyway. Rebuffed on this spring break trip I would not be!  Our southern voyage took us this time to Birmingham which is truly a diamond in the rough where university towns go. They don't quite have bike lanes yet but they do have a Trader Joe's coming soon. Birmingham is on the rise, y'all.

A highlight of the trip was seeing the rad rainbow accent work on some of the bridge underpasses. I'm sure there is more of a story of this urban art concept but the story our kids will tell you is that their gypsy hippie parents made them put on clothes at 10 p.m. to go run amok under the rainbow lights in Birmingham during a rainy evening in March.

Behold, the rainbow tunnels of splendor.

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