There is an "I" in Haiti

I still haven't decided what I am going to do about Haiti. Seeing as I can do SO very much from this vantage to mend the hearts and homes of this entire country that has been ravaged by catastrophe. I think the "text in your pledge" of $10 is a brilliant idea by cellphone companies. At the same time, I don't feel $10 when it's tacked on to my cellphone bill, n'ah mean? I can't possibly know what these people are experiencing, the confusion, the hunger, the numbness, the fear. But I can imagine. And then I can go buy myself a new scarf at Ann Taylor to quell the depressive feelings about poverty and injustice. I visited Haiti in 2001.  But not the real Haiti.  More like a coastal enclave designed for cruising first-worlders to sack out on lounge chairs for the day.  I hope I can return and know the real Haiti.

My life is so unapologetically comfortable.  I am so humbled by my blessings.  I want to show my thanks, I want to show my sympathy.  I want to do something for Haiti....